If you or someone you know is in crisis, contact the Military Crisis Line at 988 and press 1, or Text 838255. You can also call 911.

Steer Clear from Vaping CBD

You may already know that vaping can hurt you [PDF 1.3MB] due to explosions, burns or harmful chemicals, but did you know that as a Service member, using CBD in any form including vaping, is prohibited [PDF 2MB]*  ** and has risks? Some people may vape CBD to manage stress or improve sleep, but there are healthier, safer and more effective ways to do so without putting Service members’ careers in danger. Here are some important things to know about vaping CBD.

It is always prohibited for Service members to use CBD

Foods and products that contain CBD such as e-cigarettes, lotions, coffee and chocolates are getting more popular, but it is always prohibited for Service members to use CBD – including in vapes and e-cigarettes. All forms of CBD are prohibited for Service members: it doesn’t matter how the CBD is used, what the claimed or actual THC concentration is or whether the product can be purchased or used legally in your area.

Vaping CBD can have dangerous side effects

CBD oils are not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and may contain other, potentially harmful, ingredients. Man-made CBD is also prohibited and can have significant side effects. It can cause seizures, memory loss, drowsiness, fatigue and can impair your cognitive skills (motor coordination and thinking).

The package says CBD, but it may contain THC

Since the FDA does not currently review ingredients and purity of CBD products, the label on these may be incorrect or misleading. For example, CBD vape oils may still have some amount of THC – the ingredient in marijuana that creates a “high” which makes you pop positive on a drug test, even if the box says, ‘no THC.’ Just like CBD, Service members are also prohibited from using THC products. Service members that pop positive on a drug test for THC can be separated or discharged from the military.

Be aware of the risks associated with all types of vaping and consider quitting vaping [PDF 903KB] in general.

Protect yourself and find safe alternatives

Whether you need to de-stress or sleep better, there are healthier, proven ways to do so without using unregulated products that are prohibited for Service members. To relax and improve your sleep, try:

  • Talking to someone. Whether you speak with a professional (such as a chaplain or Military OneSource), friend or family member, talking about the things that bother you can help put your mind at ease and de-stress.
  • Meditation. Meditating and practicing mindfulness can help reduce stress and improve the sleep you get.
  • Breathing exercises. Practicing deep breathing and other breathing exercises can help you feel calm and more focused.
  • A hot shower or bath. End your day with a long soak or some steam to relax your muscles and your mind.

Learn more about the risks of using CBD and what you might lose when you use prohibited drugs, so you can take steps to protect yourself.

*The DOD order/regulation on hemp products does not include FDA-approved cannabinoid drugs for which a Service member has a valid prescription.

** This PDF document was published by the Department of Defense Office of the Under Secretary of Defense; we are not responsible for content contained therein.

If you or someone you know is in crisis, contact the Military Crisis Line at 988 and press 1, or Text 838255. You can also call 911.