If you or someone you know is in crisis, contact the Military Crisis Line at 988 and press 1, or Text 838255. You can also call 911.

About Us

Too Much to Lose is a Defense Department (DOD) educational campaign, aligned to the Defense Health Agency, for the U.S. military. The mission of the campaign is to inform Service members on the facts and risks related to prescription drug misuse and illicit and prohibited drug use including marijuana, hemp and CBD that can impact their health, career and overall well-being. The site supports the DOD’s efforts to build and sustain a ready and resilient force by providing resources and information to Service members so they use prescription drugs as prescribed and avoid illicit or prohibited substances. Contact us for more information about the program.

Too Much to Lose Campaign Overview Video

Check out the Too Much to Lose campaign overview video! Find out how to use and share it.

Download (High Resolution) [ZIP 40MB] 

Download (Low Resolution) [ZIP 9.7MB]

We Support Service Members

Service members have demanding jobs. Understanding prescription drug misuse as well as illicit and prohibited drug use and how it impacts self and career is important to maintaining military readiness. Our goal is to give Service members information and tools so they can be informed about risky drug use including substances that may be available in their communities, but prohibited for them to use.

We Support Friends and Family Members of Service Members

We provide friends, spouses, coworkers and family members with the information they need to support a Service member who may be struggling with risky drug use.

We Support Professionals and the Services

Professionals, such as health educators and those providing alcohol and drug prevention efforts at military commands worldwide, deliver programs and support to Service members that are critical to educating them about prescription drug misuse and illicit and prohibited drug use. We support professionals across the Services and provide information and resources that complement existing programs.

If you or someone you know is in crisis, contact the Military Crisis Line at 988 and press 1, or Text 838255. You can also call 911.